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Milk kefir grains mail order form

Your name and address details:
First name:
Last name:
Additional info (e.g: Unit #1234):
House number and street:
Postal code:
Country: Canada (currently only Canada)
Amount of milk kefir grains (one unit is 15g):
Email address:

Please fill out the above form and then

Address lables to cut out and stick on the outside of the letter:

Guido Socher
50 Linden
Baie-D'Urfe, QC
H9X 3K3


Milk kefir grains mail order, , QTY:

Hi Guido,
I am ordering x units of milk kefir grains. I have enclosed with this letter x CAD
My address is:

Please write me via email me at x@y to confrim that you have received my order.
Thank you


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